Individuelle Hinweisfelder

Es kommt vor, dass du Kunden auf gewisse Dinge im Shop hinweisen musst. Mit diesem Element hast du die Möglichkeit, deinen Kunden individuelle Benachrichtigungen zu geben. Selbstverständlich kannst du die Elemente frei in deinem Shop platzieren.

Style - Callout

Primary Callout
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.
Callout Type - Success
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.
Secondary Callout
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.
Callout Type - Information
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.
Lightgrey - Callout
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.
Callout Type - Warning
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.
Dark - Callout
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.
Callout Type - Danger
You maintain this text in the element itself. You can use HTML as well as plain text with headings.

Style - Alert

CMS Bundle
von: RH-Webdesign
(25+) Bewertungen
1760+ Downloads
Zum Shopware Store
Schnellkontakt Widget